Installing the QRD Maiting Indicator

Installing the QRD Maiting Indicator

STEP 1 : Screw the Base Plate to a flat surface on the hive body using the offset screw, not center screw. ensure its tight and flush with the Base

STEP 2 : Affix the date decal to the Mating Date Plate

STEP 3 : Affix the Mating Timeline decal to the Mating Indicator Dial

STEP 4 : Stack the Mating Indicator Dial on top the Mating Date Plate 

STEP 5 : Screw the dial stack in the center screw of the Base Plate

STEP 6 : back the screw off 1/4 turn or just enough for the dial to turn snug and stay in place

STEP 7 : After inspecting the colony and identifying the stage which the queen rearing process is in, set the Mating Indicator Dial to the current date on the Mating Date Plate. The next time you should open/inspect that colony is when the current date is in alignment with  Day 24-31 (Green) to confirm there are eggs from a newly Mated Queen

Note: you can begin the process of timing based on observed stage or initiated stage as in cell builders, etc.

The QueenRightDial - Mating indicator also works interchangeably with the Status Indicator 2.0, using the same tray and can be swapped out with one of the unused dials while there isn't a mated queen present.

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